It refers to the spending of government on industry, commerce and banking, including the expense on mining, manufactur= ing, construction, industry and information technology supervision and administration, State-owned assets supervision and administr (2024)


财政收入 <=spanstyle=3D'mso-bidi-font-size:10.5pt;line-height:125%;font-family:SimSun;mso-bidi-font-family:\6C49\4EEA\4E2D\9ED1\7B80'>指国家=6130;政参与社会产品分ງ=7;所取得的收入,是实&=#29616;国家职能的财力保#=777;。主要包括:


















地方财政收入 指按现行分税制=6130;政体制划分的地方ੑ=2;级收入。包括营业税&=#65288;不含铁道部门、各&=134;行总行、各保险公司=;总公司集中交纳的营=19994;税),地方企业上É=32;利润,城市维护建设=税(不含铁道部门、=1508;银行总行、各保险ࠤ=4;司总公司集中交纳的&=#37096;分),房产税,城&=215;土地使用税,土地增=;值税,车船税,耕地=21344;用税,契税,烟叶ĸ=46;,印花税,增值税25%部分,纳入共=139;范围的企业所得税40%部分,个人所=471;税40%部分,证券交=131;印花税3%部分,海洋石Ė=33;资源税以外的其他资=源税,地方非税收入=1561;。

信贷$=164;金 指金融机构以信=用方式积聚和分配的=6135;币资金。金融机构߼=9;贷资金的来源有各项&=#23384;款、金融债券、对=269;际金融机构负债、流=;通中现金、其他项目=31561;;信贷资金的运用ć=77;各项贷款、有价证券=及投资、金银占款、=2806;汇占款、财政借款ࡡ=0;在国际金融机构中的&=#36164;产等。

存款 指企业、机关、=团体或居民根据资金=4517;须收回的原则,把ฝ=5;币资金存入银行或其&=#20182;信贷机构保管并取=471;一定利息的一种信用=;活动形式。根据存款=23545;象或性质的不同可Ò=10;分为企业存款、财政=存款、机关团体存款=2289;城乡储蓄存款、农ߏ=4;存款、信托及委托类&=#23384;款、其他存款等科=446;。它是银行信贷资金=;的主要来源。

贷款 指银行或其他信=贷机构根据资金必须=4402;还的原则,按一定࠷=3;率,为企业、个人等&=#25552;供资金的一种信用=963;动形式。我国银行贷=;款分为短期贷款、委=25176;及信托类贷款、其É=82;类贷款等。

保险=844;司 在中国境内的、=经过保险监督管理部=8376;批准设立,并依法௙=1;记注册的各类商业保&=#38505;公司。

保险%=329;额 指保险人承担赔=偿或者给付保险金责=0219;的最高限额。

保费 指投保人为取得=保险人在约定范围内=5152;承担赔偿责任而支ߢ=4;给保险人的费用。

赔款 指保险人根据保=险合同的规定,向被=0445;险人支付的赔偿保༊=5;责任损失的金额。

给付 包括死伤医疗给=付和满期给付。死伤=1307;疗给付是指保险人੬=1;据人寿保险及长期健&=#24247;保险合同的规定,=240;被保险人在保险期内=;发生保险责任范围内=30340;保险事故支付给被Ì=45;险人(或受益人)的金额。满期给=付是指被保险人生存=6399;满,保险人按人寿߼=5;险合同规定支付给被&=#20445;险人的满期保险金'=069;。

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Government Reven=ue refers to income for the government financethrough participating in the distribution of social products. It is thefinancial guarantee to ensure government functioning. The contents ofgovernment revenue include the following main items:

(1) Various taxrevenues, including domestic value added tax (VAT), domestic consumption ta=x,VAT and consumption tax from imports, VAT and consumption tax rebate forexports, business tax, corporate income tax, individual income tax, resourcetax, city maintenance and construct tax, house property tax, stamp tax, urb=anland use tax, land appreciation tax, tax on vehicles and boat operation, sh=iptonnage tax, vehicle purchase tax, tariffs, farm land occupation tax, deed =tax,and tobacco leaf tax, etc.

(2) Non-tax reve=nue,including special program receipts, charge of administrative and institutio=nalunits, penalty receipts and others non-tax receipts.

GovernmentExpenditure refers to the distribution and use= ofthe funds which the government finance has raised, so as to meet the needs =ofeconomic construction and various causes. It includes the following main it=ems:

(1) Expenditure =forgeneral public services: It refers to the spending on the basic publicmanagement and services which provided by governments, including the expens=e onaffairs of People’s Congress, affairs of People’s PoliticalConsultative Conference, affairs of government general office and relativeinstitutions, affairs ofdevelopment and reform, affairs of statistics, affairs of finance, affairs =oftaxation, affairs of audit, affairs of customs, affairs of human resources =andsocial security, affairs of discipline inspection and supervision, affairs =ofpopulation and family planning, affairs of commerce and trade, affairs ofintellectual property, affairs of administration for industry and commerce,affairs of land and resources, affairs of oceanic administration, affairs of surveying and mapping,affairs of earthquake, ethnicaffairs, religious affairs, affairs of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and Overse=asChinese, affairs of archives administration, affairs of Chinese CommunistParty, affairs of democratic parties and federation of industry andcommerce, affairs of massorganization, and affairs of lottery, etc.

(2) Expenditure =forforeign affairs: It refers to the spending of government on foreign affairs,including the expense on administration of foreign affairs, missions overse=as,external assistance, international organizations, foreign cooperation andcommunication, surveying and joint inspection on borderline, etc.

(3) Expenditure =fornational defence: It refers to the spending of government on national defen=ce,including the expense on active force, reserve force, militia, scientific research on national defence,special projects, mobilization of national defence, etc.<=/p>

(4) Expenditure =forpublic security: It refers to the spending of government on maintaining soc=ialand public security, including the expense on armed police force, publicsecurity, state security, prosecution, courts, justice, prison, laboureducation and rehabilitation, protection of state secrecy, anti-smugglingpolice, etc.

(5) Expenditure =foreducation: It refers to the spending of government on education, including =theexpense on the administration of education, pre-primary education, primaryeducation, secondary education, high school education, regular highereducation, primary vocational education, secondary vocational education,technical school education, vocational high school education and highervocational education, radio and television education, student abroad educat=ion,special education, on the job training of cadres, education authoritiesservices, etc.

(6) Expenditure =forscience and technology: It refers to the spending of government on science =andtechnology (S&T), including the expense on the administration of S&=T,basic research, applied research, research and development, conditions andservices of S&T, popularization of social science, science and technolo=gy,exchanges and cooperation of S&T, etc.

(7) Expenditure =forculture, sport and media: It refers to the spending of government on cultur=e,cultural heritage, sports, radio, film, television, press and publication, =etc.

(8) Expenditure =forsocial safety net and employment effort: It refers to the spending ofgovernment on social safety net and employment, including the expense onadministration of social safety net and employment, civil affairs, budgetarysubsidy on thesocial insurance funds, subsidy on National SocialSecurity Fund, retirees of administrative units and institutions, subsidy on enterprisereform, subsidy on employment effort, pension, placement of ex-serviceman,social welfare, the handicapped undertakings, the system of cost of livingallowances for urban residents, other urban social relief, rural social rel=ief,living relief of natural disasters, affairs of Red Cross Society, etc.

(9) Expenditure =formedical and health care: It refers to the spending of government on medical= andhealth care, including the expense on administration of medical and healthcare, medical services, health care, disease prevention and control, healthinspection and supervision, women and children's health, rural health care,etc.

(10) Expenditure= forenvironment protection: It refers to the spending of government on environm=entprotection, including the expense on administration of environment protecti=on,environment monitoring and supervision, pollution control, natural ecologyprotection, project of virgin forests protection, reforesting farmla=nd,controlling the sources of dust storms, returning pastureland to grassland, returning pastureland to grassla=nd,returning cultivated land to grassland, energy conservation, emissions reductio=n, comprehensive utilization of renewable energy andresources, etc.

(11) Expenditure= forurban and rural community affairs: It refers to the spending of government =onurban and rural community affairs, including the expense on administration =ofurban and rural community, planning and management of urban and ruralcommunity, public facilities of urban and rural community, housing of urban= andrural community, sanitation of urban and rural community, management andsupervision on the construction market, etc.

(12) Expenditure= foragriculture, forestry and water conservancy: It refers to the spending ofgovernment on agriculture, forestry and water conservancy, including theexpense on agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, poverty alleviation,comprehensive agricultural development, etc.

(13) Expenditure= fortransportation: It refers to the spending of government on transportation a=ndpostal services, including the expense on road transportation, waterwaytransportation, railway transportation, civil aviation transportation, andpostal services.

(14) Expenditure= forindustry, commerce and banking: It refers to the spending of government onindustry, commerce and banking, including the expense on mining, manufactur=ing,construction, industry and information technology supervision andadministration, State-owned assets supervision and administration, commerce= andcirculation affairs, financial intermediation supervision and administratio=n,tourism administration and service, etc.

Revenue of the L=ocalGovernments refers to the revenuecollected that by the local governments as defined by the decentralized tax=ationsystem. The revenue of the local governments includes business tax (excludi=ngthe part of the Ministry of Railways, head offices of banks, head offices ofinsurance company, which are handed over to the government in a centralizedway), profit handed in by the local enterprises, city maintenance and const=ructtax (excluding the part of the Ministry of Railways, head offices of banks,head offices of insurance company, which are handed over to the government =in acentralized way), house property tax, urban land use tax, land appreciationtax, tax on vehicles and boat operation, farm land occupation tax, deed tax,and tobacco leaf tax, stamp tax, 25% of the value added tax, 40% the share =partof the corporate income tax, 40% of individual income tax, 3% of stamp tax =on securities transac=tions, resource tax other than the tax on offshorepetroleum resources, local non-tax revenue, etc.

CreditFunds refer to the monetary funds accumu=latedand distributed in the means of credit by the financial institutions. Thesources of credit funds include various deposits, financial bonds, liabilit=iesto international financial institutions, currency in circulation, other ite=ms.The uses of credit funds include loans, securities and investment, position= forbullion and silver purchase, position for foreign exchange purchase, advanc=esto treasury, and assets with international financial institutions.

Depositis a form of credit by whichenterprises, institutions, organizations or households can put money into b=anksand other credit institutions for safekeeping and interest earning under theprinciple of free withdrawal. According to different depositors, deposits a=redivided into enterprise deposits, fiscal deposits, deposits of governmentagencies and organizations, savings deposits of rural and urban households,agricultural savings deposits, entrusted deposits and other deposits. Depos=itsare major sources of the credit funds of banks.

Loan&n=bsp;is a form of credit by which banks and other credit institutions pro=videfunds at certain interest rate to enterprises and individuals in the light =ofthe principle of unconditional repayment. Loans from Chinese banks includeshort-term loan, medium- term and long-term loans, entrusted loans, and oth=erloans.

InsuranceCompanies refer to commercial insurance comp=aniesof various forms registered by law and established in China with the approval ofinsurance regulatory agencies.

AmountInsured refers to the maximum that t=heinsurant will get for the claim of the case insured.

Premiumis the fee paid by the insura=nt tothe insurer to obtain the obligation of compensation from the insurance wit=hinthe agreed terms.

SettledClaim is the compensation paid by t=heinsurer to the insurant in accordance with the insurance contract.

Paymentincludes payment for death, i=njuryor medical treatment and payment at maturity. Payment for death, injury ormedical treatment refers to the money paid to the insurant (or the benefici=ary)in accordance with the life or health insurance contract when the insurantencounters accidents within the insured period covered in the contract. Pay=mentat maturity refers to the payment to the insurant in accordance with the li=feinsurance contract at the end of the insured period.

It refers to the spending of government on
industry, commerce and banking, including the expense on mining, manufactur=
construction, industry and information technology supervision and
administration, State-owned assets supervision and administr (2024)
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