Reshaping and reorganizing data (2024)

Reshaping and reorganizing data refers to the process of changing the structure or organization of data by modifying dimensions, array shapes, order of values, or indexes. Xarray provides several methods to accomplish these tasks.

These methods are particularly useful for reshaping xarray objects for use in machine learning packages, such as scikit-learn, that usually require two-dimensional numpy arrays as inputs. Reshaping can also be required before passing data to external visualization tools, for example geospatial data might expect input organized into a particular format corresponding to stacks of satellite images.

Importing the library#

Reordering dimensions#

To reorder dimensions on a DataArray or across all variableson a Dataset, use transpose(). Anellipsis () can be used to represent all other dimensions:

In [1]: ds = xr.Dataset({"foo": (("x", "y", "z"), [[[42]]]), "bar": (("y", "z"), [[24]])})In [2]: ds.transpose("y", "z", "x")Out[2]: <xarray.Dataset> Size: 16BDimensions: (x: 1, y: 1, z: 1)Dimensions without coordinates: x, y, zData variables: foo (y, z, x) int64 8B 42 bar (y, z) int64 8B 24In [3]: ds.transpose(..., "x") # equivalentOut[3]: <xarray.Dataset> Size: 16BDimensions: (x: 1, y: 1, z: 1)Dimensions without coordinates: x, y, zData variables: foo (y, z, x) int64 8B 42 bar (y, z) int64 8B 24In [4]: ds.transpose() # reverses all dimensionsOut[4]: <xarray.Dataset> Size: 16BDimensions: (x: 1, y: 1, z: 1)Dimensions without coordinates: x, y, zData variables: foo (z, y, x) int64 8B 42 bar (z, y) int64 8B 24

Expand and squeeze dimensions#

To expand a DataArray or allvariables on a Dataset along a new dimension,use expand_dims()

In [5]: expanded = ds.expand_dims("w")In [6]: expandedOut[6]: <xarray.Dataset> Size: 16BDimensions: (w: 1, x: 1, y: 1, z: 1)Dimensions without coordinates: w, x, y, zData variables: foo (w, x, y, z) int64 8B 42 bar (w, y, z) int64 8B 24

This method attaches a new dimension with size 1 to all data variables.

To remove such a size-1 dimension from the DataArrayor Dataset,use squeeze()

In [7]: expanded.squeeze("w")Out[7]: <xarray.Dataset> Size: 16BDimensions: (x: 1, y: 1, z: 1)Dimensions without coordinates: x, y, zData variables: foo (x, y, z) int64 8B 42 bar (y, z) int64 8B 24

Converting between datasets and arrays#

To convert from a Dataset to a DataArray, use to_dataarray():

In [8]: arr = ds.to_dataarray()In [9]: arrOut[9]: <xarray.DataArray (variable: 2, x: 1, y: 1, z: 1)> Size: 16Barray([[[[42]]], [[[24]]]])Coordinates: * variable (variable) object 16B 'foo' 'bar'Dimensions without coordinates: x, y, z

This method broadcasts all data variables in the dataset against each other,then concatenates them along a new dimension into a new array while preservingcoordinates.

To convert back from a DataArray to a Dataset, useto_dataset():

In [10]: arr.to_dataset(dim="variable")Out[10]: <xarray.Dataset> Size: 16BDimensions: (x: 1, y: 1, z: 1)Dimensions without coordinates: x, y, zData variables: foo (x, y, z) int64 8B 42 bar (x, y, z) int64 8B 24

The broadcasting behavior of to_dataarray means that the resulting arrayincludes the union of data variable dimensions:

In [11]: ds2 = xr.Dataset({"a": 0, "b": ("x", [3, 4, 5])})# the input dataset has 4 elementsIn [12]: ds2Out[12]: <xarray.Dataset> Size: 32BDimensions: (x: 3)Dimensions without coordinates: xData variables: a int64 8B 0 b (x) int64 24B 3 4 5# the resulting array has 6 elementsIn [13]: ds2.to_dataarray()Out[13]: <xarray.DataArray (variable: 2, x: 3)> Size: 48Barray([[0, 0, 0], [3, 4, 5]])Coordinates: * variable (variable) object 16B 'a' 'b'Dimensions without coordinates: x

Otherwise, the result could not be represented as an orthogonal array.

If you use to_dataset without supplying the dim argument, the DataArray will be converted into a Dataset of one variable:

In [14]: arr.to_dataset(name="combined")Out[14]: <xarray.Dataset> Size: 32BDimensions: (variable: 2, x: 1, y: 1, z: 1)Coordinates: * variable (variable) object 16B 'foo' 'bar'Dimensions without coordinates: x, y, zData variables: combined (variable, x, y, z) int64 16B 42 24

Stack and unstack#

As part of xarray’s nascent support for pandas.MultiIndex, we haveimplemented stack() andunstack() method, for combining or splitting dimensions:

In [15]: array = xr.DataArray( ....:  np.random.randn(2, 3), coords=[("x", ["a", "b"]), ("y", [0, 1, 2])] ....: ) ....: In [16]: stacked = array.stack(z=("x", "y"))In [17]: stackedOut[17]: <xarray.DataArray (z: 6)> Size: 48Barray([ 0.469, -0.283, -1.509, -1.136, 1.212, -0.173])Coordinates: * z (z) object 48B MultiIndex * x (z) <U1 24B 'a' 'a' 'a' 'b' 'b' 'b' * y (z) int64 48B 0 1 2 0 1 2In [18]: stacked.unstack("z")Out[18]: <xarray.DataArray (x: 2, y: 3)> Size: 48Barray([[ 0.469, -0.283, -1.509], [-1.136, 1.212, -0.173]])Coordinates: * x (x) <U1 8B 'a' 'b' * y (y) int64 24B 0 1 2

As elsewhere in xarray, an ellipsis () can be used to represent all unlisted dimensions:

In [19]: stacked = array.stack(z=[..., "x"])In [20]: stackedOut[20]: <xarray.DataArray (z: 6)> Size: 48Barray([ 0.469, -1.136, -0.283, 1.212, -1.509, -0.173])Coordinates: * z (z) object 48B MultiIndex * y (z) int64 48B 0 0 1 1 2 2 * x (z) <U1 24B 'a' 'b' 'a' 'b' 'a' 'b'

These methods are modeled on the pandas.DataFrame methods of thesame name, although in xarray they always create new dimensions rather thanadding to the existing index or columns.

Like DataFrame.unstack, xarray’s unstackalways succeeds, even if the multi-index being unstacked does not contain allpossible levels. Missing levels are filled in with NaN in the resulting object:

In [21]: stacked2 = stacked[::2]In [22]: stacked2Out[22]: <xarray.DataArray (z: 3)> Size: 24Barray([ 0.469, -0.283, -1.509])Coordinates: * z (z) object 24B MultiIndex * y (z) int64 24B 0 1 2 * x (z) <U1 12B 'a' 'a' 'a'In [23]: stacked2.unstack("z")Out[23]: <xarray.DataArray (y: 3, x: 1)> Size: 24Barray([[ 0.469], [-0.283], [-1.509]])Coordinates: * y (y) int64 24B 0 1 2 * x (x) <U1 4B 'a'

However, xarray’s stack has an important difference from pandas: unlikepandas, it does not automatically drop missing values. Compare:

In [24]: array = xr.DataArray([[np.nan, 1], [2, 3]], dims=["x", "y"])In [25]: array.stack(z=("x", "y"))Out[25]: <xarray.DataArray (z: 4)> Size: 32Barray([nan, 1., 2., 3.])Coordinates: * z (z) object 32B MultiIndex * x (z) int64 32B 0 0 1 1 * y (z) int64 32B 0 1 0 1In [26]: array.to_pandas().stack()Out[26]: x y0 1 1.01 0 2.0 1 3.0dtype: float64

We departed from pandas’s behavior here because predictable shapes for newarray dimensions is necessary for Parallel computing with Dask.

Stacking different variables together#

These stacking and unstacking operations are particularly useful for reshapingxarray objects for use in machine learning packages, such as scikit-learn, that usually require two-dimensional numpyarrays as inputs. For datasets with only one variable, we only need stackand unstack, but combining multiple variables in axarray.Dataset is more complicated. If the variables in the datasethave matching numbers of dimensions, we can callto_dataarray() and then stack along the the new coordinate.But to_dataarray() will broadcast the dataarrays together,which will effectively tile the lower dimensional variable along the missingdimensions. The method xarray.Dataset.to_stacked_array() allowscombining variables of differing dimensions without this wasteful copying whilexarray.DataArray.to_unstacked_dataset() reverses this operation.Just as with xarray.Dataset.stack() the stacked coordinate isrepresented by a pandas.MultiIndex object. These methods are usedlike this:

In [27]: data = xr.Dataset( ....:  data_vars={"a": (("x", "y"), [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]), "b": ("x", [6, 7])}, ....:  coords={"y": ["u", "v", "w"]}, ....: ) ....: In [28]: dataOut[28]: <xarray.Dataset> Size: 76BDimensions: (x: 2, y: 3)Coordinates: * y (y) <U1 12B 'u' 'v' 'w'Dimensions without coordinates: xData variables: a (x, y) int64 48B 0 1 2 3 4 5 b (x) int64 16B 6 7In [29]: stacked = data.to_stacked_array("z", sample_dims=["x"])In [30]: stackedOut[30]: <xarray.DataArray 'a' (x: 2, z: 4)> Size: 64Barray([[0, 1, 2, 6], [3, 4, 5, 7]])Coordinates: * z (z) object 32B MultiIndex * variable (z) <U1 16B 'a' 'a' 'a' 'b' * y (z) object 32B 'u' 'v' 'w' nanDimensions without coordinates: xIn [31]: unstacked = stacked.to_unstacked_dataset("z")In [32]: unstackedOut[32]: <xarray.Dataset> Size: 88BDimensions: (y: 3, x: 2)Coordinates: * y (y) object 24B 'u' 'v' 'w'Dimensions without coordinates: xData variables: a (x, y) int64 48B 0 1 2 3 4 5 b (x) int64 16B 6 7

In this example, stacked is a two dimensional array that we can easily pass to a scikit-learn or another genericnumerical method.


Unlike with stack, in to_stacked_array, the user specifies the dimensions they do not want stacked.For a machine learning task, these unstacked dimensions can be interpreted as the dimensions over which samples aredrawn, whereas the stacked coordinates are the features. Naturally, all variables should possess these samplingdimensions.

Set and reset index#

Complementary to stack / unstack, xarray’s .set_index, .reset_index and.reorder_levels allow easy manipulation of DataArray or Datasetmulti-indexes without modifying the data and its dimensions.

You can create a multi-index from several 1-dimensional variables and/orcoordinates using set_index():

In [33]: da = xr.DataArray( ....:  np.random.rand(4), ....:  coords={ ....:  "band": ("x", ["a", "a", "b", "b"]), ....:  "wavenumber": ("x", np.linspace(200, 400, 4)), ....:  }, ....:  dims="x", ....: ) ....: In [34]: daOut[34]: <xarray.DataArray (x: 4)> Size: 32Barray([0.123, 0.543, 0.373, 0.448])Coordinates: band (x) <U1 16B 'a' 'a' 'b' 'b' wavenumber (x) float64 32B 200.0 266.7 333.3 400.0Dimensions without coordinates: xIn [35]: mda = da.set_index(x=["band", "wavenumber"])In [36]: mdaOut[36]: <xarray.DataArray (x: 4)> Size: 32Barray([0.123, 0.543, 0.373, 0.448])Coordinates: * x (x) object 32B MultiIndex * band (x) <U1 16B 'a' 'a' 'b' 'b' * wavenumber (x) float64 32B 200.0 266.7 333.3 400.0

These coordinates can now be used for indexing, e.g.,

In [37]: mda.sel(band="a")Out[37]: <xarray.DataArray (wavenumber: 2)> Size: 16Barray([0.123, 0.543])Coordinates: * wavenumber (wavenumber) float64 16B 200.0 266.7 band <U1 4B 'a'

Conversely, you can use reset_index()to extract multi-index levels as coordinates (this is mainly usefulfor serialization):

In [38]: mda.reset_index("x")Out[38]: <xarray.DataArray (x: 4)> Size: 32Barray([0.123, 0.543, 0.373, 0.448])Coordinates: band (x) <U1 16B 'a' 'a' 'b' 'b' wavenumber (x) float64 32B 200.0 266.7 333.3 400.0Dimensions without coordinates: x

reorder_levels() allows changing the orderof multi-index levels:

In [39]: mda.reorder_levels(x=["wavenumber", "band"])Out[39]: <xarray.DataArray (x: 4)> Size: 32Barray([0.123, 0.543, 0.373, 0.448])Coordinates: * x (x) object 32B MultiIndex * wavenumber (x) float64 32B 200.0 266.7 333.3 400.0 * band (x) <U1 16B 'a' 'a' 'b' 'b'

As of xarray v0.9 coordinate labels for each dimension are optional.You can also use .set_index / .reset_index to add / removelabels for one or several dimensions:

In [40]: array = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 3], dims="x")In [41]: arrayOut[41]: <xarray.DataArray (x: 3)> Size: 24Barray([1, 2, 3])Dimensions without coordinates: xIn [42]: array["c"] = ("x", ["a", "b", "c"])In [43]: array.set_index(x="c")Out[43]: <xarray.DataArray (x: 3)> Size: 24Barray([1, 2, 3])Coordinates: * x (x) <U1 12B 'a' 'b' 'c'In [44]: array = array.set_index(x="c")In [45]: array = array.reset_index("x", drop=True)

Shift and roll#

To adjust coordinate labels, you can use the shift() androll() methods:

In [46]: array = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 3, 4], dims="x")In [47]: array.shift(x=2)Out[47]: <xarray.DataArray (x: 4)> Size: 32Barray([nan, nan, 1., 2.])Dimensions without coordinates: xIn [48]: array.roll(x=2, roll_coords=True)Out[48]: <xarray.DataArray (x: 4)> Size: 32Barray([3, 4, 1, 2])Dimensions without coordinates: x


One may sort a DataArray/Dataset via sortby() andsortby(). The input can be an individual or list of1D DataArray objects:

In [49]: ds = xr.Dataset( ....:  { ....:  "A": (("x", "y"), [[1, 2], [3, 4]]), ....:  "B": (("x", "y"), [[5, 6], [7, 8]]), ....:  }, ....:  coords={"x": ["b", "a"], "y": [1, 0]}, ....: ) ....: In [50]: dax = xr.DataArray([100, 99], [("x", [0, 1])])In [51]: day = xr.DataArray([90, 80], [("y", [0, 1])])In [52]: ds.sortby([day, dax])Out[52]: <xarray.Dataset> Size: 88BDimensions: (x: 2, y: 2)Coordinates: * x (x) <U1 8B 'b' 'a' * y (y) int64 16B 1 0Data variables: A (x, y) int64 32B 1 2 3 4 B (x, y) int64 32B 5 6 7 8

As a shortcut, you can refer to existing coordinates by name:

In [53]: ds.sortby("x")Out[53]: <xarray.Dataset> Size: 88BDimensions: (x: 2, y: 2)Coordinates: * x (x) <U1 8B 'a' 'b' * y (y) int64 16B 1 0Data variables: A (x, y) int64 32B 3 4 1 2 B (x, y) int64 32B 7 8 5 6In [54]: ds.sortby(["y", "x"])Out[54]: <xarray.Dataset> Size: 88BDimensions: (x: 2, y: 2)Coordinates: * x (x) <U1 8B 'a' 'b' * y (y) int64 16B 0 1Data variables: A (x, y) int64 32B 4 3 2 1 B (x, y) int64 32B 8 7 6 5In [55]: ds.sortby(["y", "x"], ascending=False)Out[55]: <xarray.Dataset> Size: 88BDimensions: (x: 2, y: 2)Coordinates: * x (x) <U1 8B 'b' 'a' * y (y) int64 16B 1 0Data variables: A (x, y) int64 32B 1 2 3 4 B (x, y) int64 32B 5 6 7 8

Reshaping via coarsen#

Whilst coarsen is normally used for reducing your data’s resolution by applying a reduction function(see the page on computation),it can also be used to reorganise your data without applying a computation via construct().

Taking our example tutorial air temperature dataset over the Northern US

In [56]: air = xr.tutorial.open_dataset("air_temperature")["air"]In [57]: air.isel(time=0).plot(x="lon", y="lat")Out[57]: <matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f32c4f9d600>
Reshaping and reorganizing data (1)

we can split this up into sub-regions of size (9, 18) points using construct():

In [58]: regions = air.coarsen(lat=9, lon=18, boundary="pad").construct( ....:  lon=("x_coarse", "x_fine"), lat=("y_coarse", "y_fine") ....: ) ....: In [59]: regionsOut[59]: <xarray.DataArray 'air' (time: 2920, y_coarse: 3, y_fine: 9, x_coarse: 3, x_fine: 18)> Size: 34MBarray([[[[[241.2 , 242.5 , 243.5 , ..., 238.7 , 239.6 , 241. ], [242.89, 244.8 , 246.5 , ..., 248.6 , 249. , 249.5 ], [249.6 , 249.1 , 247.8 , ..., 235.5 , 238.6 , nan]], [[243.8 , 244.5 , 244.7 , ..., 237.1 , 237.2 , 238. ], [239.3 , 240.7 , 242. , ..., 244.3 , 243.89, 244. ], [244.6 , 245.6 , 246.8 , ..., 235.3 , 239.3 , nan]], [[250. , 249.8 , 248.89, ..., 241. , 240.1 , 239.7 ], [239.8 , 240.1 , 240.39, ..., 249.1 , 246.8 , 243.7 ], [240.6 , 239.1 , 240.2 , ..., 236.39, 241.7 , nan]], ..., [[273.7 , 273.6 , 273.79, ..., 275.5 , 276. , 273.7 ], [269. , 262.7 , 256.2 , ..., 252.89, 252.5 , 254.3 ], [258.1 , 262.29, 265.1 , ..., 274.2 , 275.1 , nan]], [[274.79, 275.2 , 275.6 , ..., 272.79, 274.9 , 275.5 ], [273.79, 269. , 261.9 , ..., 253.6 , 252.7 , 253. ],... [289.89, 290.59, 291.19, ..., 295.69, 295.69, 295.49], [296.19, 297.19, 297.09, ..., 292.49, 292.09, nan]], [[291.49, 291.39, 292.39, ..., 291.19, 290.99, 291.39], [291.89, 292.99, 294.59, ..., 297.29, 297.69, 298.19], [298.59, 298.29, 297.89, ..., 293.09, 293.19, nan]], ..., [[297.69, 298.09, 298.09, ..., 297.79, 298.39, 298.89], [298.99, 298.89, 299.19, ..., 299.89, 300.19, 300.29], [300.09, 300.39, 300.69, ..., 296.19, 295.69, nan]], [[ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan], [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan], [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan]], [[ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan], [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan], [ nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan]]]]])Coordinates: lat (y_coarse, y_fine) float32 108B 75.0 72.5 70.0 ... 15.0 nan nan lon (x_coarse, x_fine) float32 216B 200.0 202.5 205.0 ... 330.0 nan * time (time) datetime64[ns] 23kB 2013-01-01 ... 2014-12-31T18:00:00Dimensions without coordinates: y_coarse, y_fine, x_coarse, x_fineAttributes: long_name: 4xDaily Air temperature at sigma level 995 units: degK precision: 2 GRIB_id: 11 GRIB_name: TMP var_desc: Air temperature dataset: NMC Reanalysis level_desc: Surface statistic: Individual Obs parent_stat: Other actual_range: [185.16 322.1 ]

9 new regions have been created, each of size 9 by 18 points.The boundary="pad" kwarg ensured that all regions are the same size even though the data does not evenly divide into these sizes.

By plotting these 9 regions together via faceting we can see how they relate to the original data.

In [60]: regions.isel(time=0).plot( ....:  x="x_fine", y="y_fine", col="x_coarse", row="y_coarse", yincrease=False ....: ) ....: Out[60]: <xarray.plot.facetgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f32c4c21e70>
Reshaping and reorganizing data (2)

We are now free to easily apply any custom computation to each coarsened region of our new dataarray.This would involve specifying that applied functions should act over the "x_fine" and "y_fine" dimensions,but broadcast over the "x_coarse" and "y_coarse" dimensions.

Reshaping and reorganizing data (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.